Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My First Post

My first post, and my first time blogging....

I'm beginning a new chapter in my life. I retired from my full-time job on February 1st. I want my days to be filled with creating art - the messy kind and the computer kind! My messy kinds of art include painting, gluing, working with clay - and I include making art quilts in the "messy" part because it's actually physically creating something.

My computer art involves working with Photoshop, which is my absolute favorite software. I do what I call "digital paintings" and I have also developed lots and lots of notecards and ACEOs in Photoshop. (An ACEO is a type of artist trading card. ACEO stands for "Art Cards, Editions & Originals.") Here's an ACEO I call Blue Norway. My father-in-law was born in Norway, and I found the original of this picture in one of his photo albums. I scanned it and worked on it in Photoshop to clean up the creased photo and to get this look.

Here's what the original photo had looked like:

(Click on the images to see larger versions of the pictures.) You can see why Photoshop is one of my favorite toys! I've made about 50 ACEOs, and if you're interested, you can view them at my Etsy shop.

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