Monday, January 6, 2020

Week 6 - Numbers 15 and 16

PROJECT:  Create 88 - 8" x 8" Canvases

PARAMETERS:  Fiber Art (including textiles, fabrics, gauze, cheesecloth, yarn, thread, embroidery floss, wool roving, and paper), mounted on 8" x 8" canvases.

GOAL:  Create hardcover book, showcasing this art.

# 15 - 8" x 8" canvas
#15 - This piece is basically collaged from two silk fabrics I painted with acrylic inks.  (The sun was cut from another fabric.)  I used Wonder Under, a fusible web, to attach the fabrics to a background of stiff interfacing.  The only stitching is the blanket stitch around the outside of the piece.
# 16 - 8" x 8" canvas - unfinished
#16 - This piece is done with needle felting and machine stitching.  For the final piece (below) I couched on yarns, to add to the grasses.  Then I cropped it, adding a blanket stitch around the border.
# 16 - 8" x 8" canvas
Till next week....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jean, these are fantastic! I love seeing the limited stitching around the edges and the layers of colors especially on the 2nd image!
Thanks for letting me journey with you!
Sending love,
Anne B