Monday, January 27, 2020


I took a break from my 8" x 8" canvases to do some preparation work for note cards.  I do about 1000 note cards / year, and most of them are sent to Operation Gratitude.  Many of these cards go to deployed military personnel.
First, I treated archival tissue paper with India inks:
The next picture is a close-up of the inked tissue paper:
I also color rice paper using alcohol inks.  Here's an example:
This is another strip of rice paper.  I loved seeing the sunlight hit the drying paper.  You can see some of the small bottles of alcohol inks off to the side:
Next, I cut the tissue paper and rice paper into pieces a little bigger than 4" x 6".
I glue the papers to pieces of card stock, and let them dry well:
The last step is to crop them to 4" x 6", before they're mounted on the blank note cards.
I enjoy the different patterns that evolve from the process.  Here are some of my favorite examples from this batch.  Do you see a butterfly in this one?
I'll be back to the 8x8 canvases next week!

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