Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Week 5 - Numbers 13 and 14

PROJECT:  Create 88 - 8" x 8" Canvases

PARAMETERS:  Fiber Art (including textiles, fabrics, gauze, cheesecloth, yarn, thread, embroidery floss, wool roving, and paper), mounted on 8" x 8" canvases.

GOAL:  Create hardcover book, showcasing this art.

This week I decided to give needle-felting another go.  I use wool roving for the needle-felting.  Did I have any wool roving, you might ask?
Wool Roving
Yes, a wee bit...  Probably enough for a couple of lifetimes.

#13 - I started this piece by attaching some cheesecloth, which I'd dyed with acrylic inks, to my background.
Next I added the pieces of wool roving.
#13 - Wool Roving
Followed by machine stitching to fasten the roving to the background, and to add detail.
#13 - 8" x 8" Canvas - Almost done
Actually, I thought the piece was done, but I wasn't totally happy that the stamens didn't show up well in the picture.  I used a black Uni Posca paint marker to outline the stamens.  Here's the finished piece:
#13 - 8" x 8" Canvas
#14 - Needle-felting the wool roving:
#14 - 8" x 8" Canvas - first go
Next I did free-motion stitching with my sewing machine.
#14 - 8" x 8" Canvas - not quite there...
I added some paints to tone down the middle section, and to straighten out the left edge of the opening.  Really, a subtle difference, but it made me happy.  Here's #14, finished:
#14 - 8" x 8" Canvas
Till next week...

1 comment:

Linda Burton said...

I've used wool roving to make different colored balls and ultimately a "neck decoration" - scarf of sorts - love the texture. Also knitted/felted a few purses. Intriguing how the wool completely changes in hot water. Love your creations!