Monday, December 9, 2019

Week 2 - Numbers 4, 5, and 6

PROJECT:  Create 88 - 8" x 8" Canvases

PARAMETERS:  Fiber Art (including textiles, fabrics, gauze, cheesecloth, yarn, thread, embroidery floss, wool roving, and paper), mounted on 8" x 8" canvases.

GOAL:  Create hardcover book, showcasing this art.

#4 - 8" x 8" Canvas
#4  -  Acrylic inks on fabrics, with extensive machine thread painting.

#5 - 8" x 8" Canvas
#5  -  The above project uses a calligraphy pen called an Elegant Writer.  The ink is black, but when water is added, other colors appear.  There is also a bit of machine stitching.

#6 - 8" x 8" Canvas
#6  -  A collage of hand-painted fabrics using acrylic inks.

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