Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aquarium Part II

The aquarium has a super large tank with a replica of a shipwrecked German u-boat, and lots of fish and sharks.  Divers go in the tank several times a day and interact with people outside the tank.  Here, the diver puts his hand on the wall and people can put their hand on the outside - to show how thick the wall is.  It's not glass - some kind of plastic, I think.  I wasn't giving the speaker my full attention.

There were three divers in the tank, one with a special mike so that he could speak with the aquarium visitors, and the other divers could hear him too.

This is a catfish.

I was attracted to the bright yellow color of these fishy guys.

In a hurry to get wherever....

A hammerhead shark, cruising over a part of the u-boat replica.

I'm overly fond of frogs, and have several plushie frogs, so I couldn't pass up getting shots of these two handsome fellows.

And that was our day at the aquarium.


Anonymous said...

Theses are wonderful photos! How exciting! I also love frogs and turtles and tortoises. Those frogs were beauties...I have a similar one.
I was so happy that you stopped by my blog. I just started a new one today. It's my blog for anything and everything because my original blog is just for my art.
Happy Sunday...

Vicki Lane said...

Love these aquarium shots -- the jellyfish especially1