These skeins of yarn are what I have left after doing my first three afghans. The purpose of Afghan #4 is to use up all the leftover yarns.
It's on its way. I want it to be a hodgepodge, like a scrap quilt or crazy quilt.

I've been referring to this afghan as my fourth and last afghan. I'm not so sure about the "last" part. We'll have to see how bad my hexagon-crocheting addiction has gotten....
It's on its way. I want it to be a hodgepodge, like a scrap quilt or crazy quilt.

I've been referring to this afghan as my fourth and last afghan. I'm not so sure about the "last" part. We'll have to see how bad my hexagon-crocheting addiction has gotten....
P.S. If you're interested, I used Lion Brand Yarn. Very soft and very warm.
Loved the artistically-placed pile of yarn leftovers...always elegant.
Oh, what fun! Like random fireworks! Love this one!!
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