(Tree Stump)
Spring is dazzingly beautiful in this part of the world. Flowering trees and shrubs add such vibrant color to the area that it's hard to know where to look first. I've taken lots of photos of flowers this spring. I even went to the garden center at Lowe's Home Improvement and took pictures of their flowers. And I decided that I've (temporarily) reached "flower overload."

So when I went for an early morning walk on the neighboring golf course, I set myself the challenge of taking pictures of things that weren't flowers.

Even though I was walking on a golf course, I like taking photos that have nothing to do with golf. I don't golf.

(Green Pond Scum)
There was no shortage of photo opportunities.

(Dead Pine Needles)
Back home, when I was processing my photos in Photoshop, I decided to give my buddy, The Sponge Filter, a go at the images. I liked the results better than the straight photos, so that's what you're seeing here.

(Bird in a Tree)
This bird posed for me, and after I got a couple shots, it flew away.

(Blue Netting)
No idea what they were using the netting for - it was in a heaping big pile.

(Cloudy Sky)
Happy Days!
1 comment:
You got some beauties, Jean!
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